CCP-SAS Kickoff Workshop
February 7-9, 2014
NIST Center For Neutron Research
NOTE: The first day of this Workshop is the open
community discussion and feedback day, and is being held on the NIST campus. As such all
participants for this day must register with NIST in order to gain access. If you wish to
attend please register
BY January 23, 2014
at the
NCNR Visitor
Registration Site. In the "additional comments" box please enter:
attending the CCP-SAS workshop. The purpose
of your visit is "meeting" and your contact is "Paul Butler"
This Friday session will be held at the NCNR on the NIST campus - bldg 235 Room K04B
The remainder of the meeting will be devoted to organizing the activities of the project for the
rest of the year and will be held off the NIST campus.
Confirmed Posters
- The SCT/SCTPL/HYDRO suite (Stephen Perkins - UCL)
- Conformational and Fc accessibility changes in the solution structures of human IgG4 by ultracentrifugation and X-ray & neutron scattering modelling (Lucy Rayner - UCL)
- Small-Angle Neutron Scattering and Atomistic Modeling of Dilute and Concentrated Monoclonal Antibody Solutions (Nicholas Clark - NIST)
- NICS: The National Institute for Computational Sciences (Dwayne John -XSEDE/NICS-UTK)
- SASCALC: A fast and accurate X-ray/neutron scattering calculator for atomistic ensembles (Hailiang Zhang - UTK/Caltech)
- Coarse-grained atomistic models from affine transformations of geometric shapes applied to small-angle scattering (Katie Sarachan - NIST)
- Accelerate Sampling in Atomistic Energy Landscapes Using Topology-based Coarse-grained Models (Weihong Zhang - Kansas State)
- Science Gateway Institute (Nancy Wilkins - XSEDE)
- Assembly, Structural and Functional Studies of Non-canonical polyubiquitin chains (Carlos Castaneda - UMD)
- Decode Chromatin Folding by Small-Angle Scattering Studies of Tetrameric Nucleosome Arrays (Steven Howell - GWU)
- Low resolution structure of domains 58 and 59 of Obscurin using small angle X-ray scatteringNathan Wright - James Madison University)
- Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) from Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles (Michael Hore - NIST)
- Structure Models of Bacterial RNA chaperone Hfq in complex with rpoS leader (Penny Peng - JHU)
- SASSIE (Joseph Curtis - NIST)
- structure and function of membrane proteins in bio-mimetic lipid environments (Hirsh Nanda - NIST)
- Hierarchical O(N) Computation of Small-Angle Scattering Profiles and their Associated Derivatives (Konstantin Berlin - UMD)
- CCP4 6.4 -MX Software Development and Distribution (Andrey Lebedev)